WelcoMe to tHe GAlAXy

select A plAnet

About us

collective name: [privately owned spiral galaxy]
collective pronouns: plural it/he
bodily trans || dysphoric tucute || anti-endo and anti-β€œtulpa” || dx'd ADHD, severe general and social anxiety, MDD || dx process for ASD, OSDD-1bcollective hyperfixations:
project sekai || vocaloids || kamui gakupo || stardew valley || bigtop burger

fRequent fRonteRs

THESE CHANGE OFTEN - this may not be correct!zach - it/its
arden - ki/kir
artemis - he/ve
list of fronters

list of fRonteRs

DISCLAIMER: this is a list of alters who are both WILLING and OLD ENOUGH to be online. this is not a completed list of all the alters in our system. please practice internet safety.

arden πŸͺ‘ - caretaker, head librarian - ki/kir
artemis ⛓️ - sexual protector - he/ve
blaixe 🧨 - protector, anger holder - dae/nyx/vex
erebus πŸŒ‘ - protector, dissociation holder - ae/aem
george πŸ„ - caretaker, fatigue holder, depression holder - he/him
jackie 🍎 - caretaker, protector - she/her
knight πŸͺ² - traumaholder - it/its
leandro πŸ–‹οΈ - traumaholder - he/him
lucy 🌺 - autism holder - she/mew + more
mingxia πŸ‰ - protector - they/she
niki 🍰 - caretaker - she/her
nova πŸ’₯ - unknown - glitch/err/it
philza πŸͺΆ - caretaker, protector - he/him
ranboo πŸ“– - anxiety holder, dissociation holder - end/void/it/they/he
slime/charlie 🎲 - pain holder, protector - goo/ix/ve/xe/it
theodore/cael 🦌 - librarian - he/ae/hae
tommy πŸ’Ώ - traumaholder, ADHD holder - it/he/pog
tubbo ☒️ - traumaholder, anger holder, protector - nuke/boom/it/he/they
will 🐍 - protector - he/it
zachariah/zach 🌱 - host - it/its


please use tone tags!we are uncomfortable with most, if not all, reclaimed slurs! please try not to use them around usplease ask before you vent! we're not always in the right mindset to provide emotional support.

- cmc and jikishi apologists
- dsmp antis
- c!dream apologists (enthusiasts are okay, apologists are not)
- transmeds/TERFs/SWERFs
- aro/ace exclusionists
- western β€œtulpamancers”
- endogenic systems
- supporters/tolerators of any of the above


other socials!twitter
system pronoun list
discord: spiral_galaxy